If Gaia could talk I wonder what she would say. Perhaps something like this:
'You are precious to me, I long for your well-being and flourishing. I rejoice in the diversity of this beautiful planet which I have placed in your hands. I take pride in your achievements, in your ability to care for, develop and sustain this world and one another. And yet my heart is broken. I hear the cries of many of the creatures of this world being killed for no reason except to satisfy the greed of human beings who have forgotten their intimate connection with all living creatures. I grieve the effects of accelerated changing weather patterns brought about by the indiscriminate use of the earth's resources as though they were infinite and unlimited. You have forgotten where you have come from, that your well-being is connected to the earth which gives you breath and life, that you are part of and not independent of the great web of life, that you die if it dies. Your greed and patterns of consumption, your desire for comfort and ease have dulled your generous and caring spirit, your selfishness has led you to forget that there's much in life that you can't control, that it's a gift to be reverenced and enjoyed and treated with respect.
Yet you have great wisdom traditions which remind you of your place in the world. If only you would listen to them. Have you not heard the words of the great American Chief Seattle,
Whatever befalls the earth Befalls the sons of the earth.
Man did not weave the web of life, He is merely a strand in it.
Whatever he does to the web, He does to himself.”?
Have you not heard the voice of Hinduism, "the earth is our mother, and we are all her children" ?
the voice of Islam" the world is green and beautiful, and Allah has appointed you his guardian over it":
the voice of Judaism " when God created the first human beings, God led them around the Garden of Eden and said, 'look at my works! see how they are - how excellent! For your sake I created them all. See to it that do not spoil and destroy my wold; for if you do, there will be no-one else to repair it'
and the voice of Bahau'llah, ' You walk on my earth complacent and self- satisfied, heedless that my earth is weary of you'?
I am not weary of you. I trust you and know you can treat the earth with the love and respect it deserves. If only you take time out to stop, to listen to its cries, to wonder at its beauty, to tread its paths with gentleness and reverence, to live life simply and joyfully. The future is in your hands.'